(Gay & Lesbian Radio Show 2000 – 2005)

Vangelis Giannelos had secured a radio show for the Greek Homosexual Community and proposed that we host it together (along with Paul Sofianos) and I accepted. However, they both quickly lost interest and left the show to me. So I established the Gay & Lesbian Radio Show on the 94 Epikinonia sta FM (Communication on FM) radio station, airing every Thursday evening from 11.00 pm to 1.00 am.

I advertised it as much as I could, made and distributed flyers, placed ads in Paul’s gay magazine, put banners on websites and got it to a high rating for the station, the type of show and the time. I hosted it for 5 years until the National Broadcasting Council sued the station simply because I said the word gay during a broadcast that also featured a condom advertisement. So the show was shut down. (I still meet people who tell me they used to lie in bed at night, tuning the radio to a low volume to prevent their parents or neighbors from hearing, just so they could listen to the show. I’ve kept a few tapes of those broadcasts.)